CME Resources Requested for a new CME Office

My team and I are relativiely new to CME and we are working on re-developing the operational processes for the CME office that we “inherited.” We are accredited by ACCME. ACCME does not seem have a lot of resources on how to set-up compliant processes only general guidelines. Where did you all learn how to put together a compliant CME program that is operationally effective with a small team (i.e. managing MOC, documentation neededed for those activities collecting registration/exhibitor fees, how to manage Exhibitors and Commercial Support, etc)? Where did you learn CME guidelines in general. I’m hearing SACME is a good resource. What about this Certified Healthcare CPD Professsional (CHCP) Exam offered through
I appreciate resources that you can provide to learn more :slight_smile:

Good afternoon,

I recommend attending the ACCME Accreditation Workshop in August 2024 - this is probably the best option for those who are new to CME to become immersed in the standards/criteria. You will also have the advantage to learn with others who are new, and learn directly from accreditation staff… ACCME also has some good intro resources within the Learning Academy, so check that out if you haven’t already.

You should also familiarize yourself with the standards and policies from the AMA related to certified CME - great resources on their website.

I also recommend membership with the Alliance - very valuable resources there plus the support of the CPD community.

Good luck!


I agree with the previous suggestion, the August ACCME workshop will provide training and provide tools/insights that your office can use. You can also meet others and ask them for suggestions. The ACCME website does have a toolkit specifically for the Standards of Integrity. We use some of them.

Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education Resources | ACCME

We first start new staff with compliance with the ACCME standards and get our information from the ACCME directly and then join other organizations like the Alliance and SACME based on interests and needs.

Thank you both for these suggestions!