Conversation App Integrations?

Hi all!
(Fancy seeing you here! A lot of you may know me as the old EthosCE Trainer, but I’ve moved around to the client side now! Glad to be back in this new capacity :wink:)
I’m working on a relatively new EthosCE site, and am wondering if anyone has integrated/embedded a chat or discussion board feature into their platform? I know we have the comments section functionality that allows for broad posting, but my team is looking to have a bit more of a discussion board type of experience in certain areas. Any ideas?
Cheers, and I’m looking forward to being back on Community :heart:

We tried using the discussion board but felt it was too limited for what we wanted to do. We are working on integrating Padlet into the discussion board through embedding and found Padlet to be more of what we’re looking for.

Thanks Lesly! I’ll look into Padlet :slight_smile:

Welcome back😊!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!



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We have used embedded padlet as well, I don’t love it and would like to hear what others are doing as well! Thanks!


This is wonderful news that you are back!!! So happy to hear this.

Best wishes for the holidays,


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Welcome Back!

We thought about it. . . but we wanted it to have a moderator. . .

Susan Benysh
Mayo Clinic

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