Additional Enrollment Question Enhancements

Having enrollment questions is great. Potential items to enhance

  1. Make it an option to have enrollment questions appear on the register tab. I believe that current behavior has these appearing after a learner clicks register - unless there is a commerce component at which they appear with attributes.
  2. If modifying values for enrollment questions for a registered learner, all enrollment questions appear in the ui (at least more than ones that are in the course). The request is to only display the enrollment questions that are applicable to specific course. Having multiple questions appear is confusing to the course editor.
  3. Support the adding of additional question bundles into the course. At present, all questions must be added to one bundle and the bundle is then selected from a pull-down list. The request is that the course admin could select or add and select more than one enrollment bundle per course, similar to attributes.

Many thanks,-Dave