(I don’t mean to pile on, however…)
So we use attributes when our breakouts have limits because (as it’s been stated) we have the option to at least manually remove a selection when it gets full which is the greater benefit to us (although yes, we would also like the option to set a cap if possible, but I think you already know that, Ezra
That being said, there are also times when we will also have the same breakout running more than once, so we’ll have option A and B at 1pm and then again at 2pm, but have no way to keep people from signing up for option A twice (honestly, you wouldn’t think it’d be a problem, but it happens).
For awhile we were using webforms for registration because the conditionals could let us control that, but it still didn’t solve the max capacity issue, and it wasn’t as functional as the attributes for payment, and even if the breakouts didn’t require payments, we’d run into the problem of people not proceeding on to complete the breakout webform once they completed the initial registration and payment process.
That being said, I’m curious if there could be some way to apply some of the webform elements to either the attributes or enrollment questions? Or even, do something similar with the form settings as it exists in the email settings? This is going to sound convoluted, so bear with me…
In the webform ‘form settings’ there is the option to limit the number of times a user can submit the form, or even limit the total number of allowed submissions. While in the webform ‘email settings’, you can select certain component values that have been entered in order to control who the form is being emailed to, what the subject line will say, etc. But what if instead of simply limiting the number of times a form is submitted, I could select a specific component value and but a limit on THAT instead? And then essentially pulling that together with the ‘conditionals’ ability of the webform (including the easy to organize .csv file) and applying it towards the attributes and its payment capabilities?
Easy as anything I’m sure
but just some thoughts.