Our CME programs are very series heavy, which means that they have A LOT of sessions. Very often, they have to change something on all sessions in a series (imagine 52 sessions), and it’s very time consuming to have to go into every single session to make the change (e.g. to the title, description, etc.). We’d like to see a way to edit sessions in bulk. For example, being able to select the sessions to change, making the change on one edit page, and then having that change applied to the selected sessions. Anyone else interested?
We end up touching our virtual annual meeting recordings (this year a whopping 80 courses) multiple times during the build phase because of turning empty shells into actual courses or adding new information (or updating something we missed, or…). Being able to add an identical phrase to the registration tab or overview description to every course in the series would be WONDERFUL.
Yes, we also would benefit from that feature.
Laurie Isenberg
Life Chiropractic College West
Hayward, California
Our team has a great deal of RSS activities as well. We’d love the ability to edit sessions in bulk.
We’d like to see this too. Relating this issue back to RSS Certificates vs Online Enrollment, it’d be great to be able to close enrollments on multiple sessions instead of doing them manually.
Our RSS manager would also like to be able to change dates, as sometimes she gets one estimate at the time of renewal for when the series will be occurring, but it ends up changing (i.e. from every Tuesday to every Wednesday). She could just create a new series, but if she could just switch dates over that’d be helpful instead of starting from zero again.
I’d even suggest being able to edit at the series level. We recently had to add to our series naming convention and had to manually edit them all. Bulk series/session editing option would of save alot of time!
Mine aren’t RSS’s–they’re set up and parent/child/grandchild courses.
I could definitely benefit from this feature. What are we waiting for? Pardon this reply it is being handled.
We are new to the Ethos family and already see a great need for this bulk session edit/delete function to be in place as soon as possible. Not only can a series change at any given time, but there may be instances where planned sessions do not occur. If we pull a report at the end of the year of sessions that did not take place, it would be nice to select those sessions and delete all in one click. We just entered all of our RSS Series and created the sessions for the rest of the year, not realizing that bulk edit/delete was not a feature, and had to delete the series and reenter each one all over again to make a correction. Luckily we had not entered any enrollments, otherwise that process would have been a lot more time consuming and frustrating. I vote for this feature urgently please!
can i ask you guys how far in advance do you create sessions within a series? i initially had done it thru the end of the year, but after having to reenter all of the information again, i was afraid and only did it thru July (two months out). To find out what best practice might be from other institutions would be most helpful for us newbies.
thank you.
When we first started in the Ethos LMS and trained our series administrators, we urged them not to put sessions in more than a month ahead, for exactly that reason. As we learned more and made changes, we did not want to have to go into each session and make the change or even have to delete them and start over. If a session was canceled or postponed, we have the admin delete it or in the case of postponement, just type Postponed in the title so they wouldn’t have to put everything back in.
Hope this helps.
Has anyone heard about an update on this? It would be very helpful to make bulk edits to our RSS sessions instead of editing each individual one for the entire year.