RSS or Series year-end advice

This is our first year-end with EthosCE. I’m wondering what are some processes folks take with an RSS/Series. Do you create a whole new series and maybe add the year on it and create all new sessions? If so, do you do anything with the old series to keep it from showing anywhere on the website or users profiles/groups?
Or do you just keep adding sessions into your current series? Does that get overwhelming to manage with reporting/PARS purposes?
Thank you!

We create a new series each year with start and end dates of 1/1/2021 - 12/31/2021 (next year will be 2022, of course)

  1. The series’ drop off the calendar after the end date.
  2. We create session templates for our admins to repeat. Starting a new series allows us to start fresh every year (eliminating any minor errors that admins may have made) and incorporate any changes we made at the session level.


We do the same thing as Marion. New series each year


We clone a new series each fiscal year. If needed, make modification to the program.


I’m new to my job, but my program has used Ethos since 2018. We clone a new series off the old one and change the dates to the current year (we just switched to using an academic year from calendar year) and create one session and either clone or repeat that one for the subsequent sessions (not sure which since I haven’t done that yet). The old series will disappear from the catalog when the end date has passed.

Question about a new series each year: If you have the application module, does anyone require the RSS Dept Admin to submit an application each year for the series? Between all the roles needed to submit applications to creating sessions, it seems complicated and perhaps not really needed? We have over 100 series and between training folks in this system (we’re very new!) and reviewing everything, it’s a lot!


We require an application for each series every year. It was crazy work the first year, but now applications are submitted beginning November which allows the review to be spread out over a couple months. We are jointly accredited and added the abstract questions into the application providing us with the required JA audit information.


Just noted that ACCME released its new version of PARS this week. Looks very different! If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out and sign up for the webinars they’re offering beginning the last week of November.


I feel your pain Elizabeth! This will be our second year reporting with Ethos and we’re still sort of feeling out the process.

We do applications every year but historically our application submission period has been in the summer as our department follows the academic school year calendar (we work very closely with our GME program).

At first it felt a little clunky, however it seems to be working smoothly now. We create a new series at the beginning of each year, we take this time to make changes to the course (structurally, visually, etc.) In the summer (May-June), the course chairs/planners submit a new application, we then tie it to the existing series. The activity is then approved for the July-June academic period. This is how its always been done and we obviously reported the calendar year data to PARS, so it hasn’t been too confusing for us. We find this beneficial because it splits up the processes of applying for a series, and then creating said series. We are a very small team and if I wait to create each series until the application is submitted/reviewed/approved then my workload would explode.

Thank you so much, everyone! Definitely sounds like the new series with each year is the way to go.

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