Hello, EthosCE users. I was nice to be with you virtually last month.
In chiropractic, a state Board will grant credit to an online CE course only for a specific period of time. For example, an online course may be approved for credit only through the end of the calendar year.
It would be helpful for us to have credits automatically removed from the credit list upon expiration of their Board approval. The problem with the current credit expiration feature is that it removes those credits from the user’s transcript. We need the credits to remain on the transcript in perpetuity. The goal is to prevent anyone from earning credits beyond the credit expiration date.
Does anyone else have this need? I would love to hear that I am misinterpreting the credit expiration feature and that it already does what I need. Any thoughts or advice?
Laurie Isenberg
Life Chiropractic College West
Hayward, California
We also have courses approved for a specific amount of time by a number of different approval agencies. Are you saying that when a course approval expires or when a course expires and is archived, the credit no longer shows on a user’s transcript?
In this case, I would recommend two different courses. This would allow Course 1 to have your credits and the course to expire at the end of the year. Course 2 would be a clone of Course 1 without the one credit that expires. Make sense?
That’s a good suggestion for a course with one credit type. The tricky part is that a single course usually has numerous credit types that expire at different times throughout the year. It’s a lot of manual work with many opportunities for error to have to refer back to my database and update by hand.
We have the same issue–also want to make sure we’re not misinterpreting the credit expiration feature. We have nearly 20 different agencies we’re dealing with–some provide approvals for a specific course for a specific period of time while others confer approved-provider approvals. Making a clone of a retired course (if I understand the suggestion correctly) only adds complexity and invites errors.
Hello, all. For those of you who are interested in this topic, I’ll share what I’ve learned. I had a good conversation with the Ethos developer who told me that this feature was not intended to do what I am asking. Nor does it remove credits from the user’s transcript. However, he is looking into developing this or another feature to actually manage credit expirations.
I would be very interested in this as well. I’m also a little confused. Why would there be an expiration of credit which removes credit earned from a user’s transcript? What is the point? I, too, would have assumed that I could set it to expire and it would just drop off of the course (leaving the user’s transcript intact.)