Mobile Menu Updates: What mobile menu options do your learners need?

Hello everyone! My name is Ellery and I am a new UX Designer for Cadmium.

I am working on updates to the mobile menu navigation for learners. I would love to hear from you! What are the most common tasks your learners need to complete on your mobile site? What menu items do they need quick access to?

Feel free to comment below, and let me know if you’d like to chat live about this topic.

Thank you!

Hey Ellery! Our mobile users’ main pain-point is having to click the hamburger menu multiple times in order to navigate to the right page to update their email address & mobile number. After they log in, is there a way they could click the hamburger menu and already see the full menu of options, including: “Edit Profile” , “Mobile Number” , and “Pending Activities”? Could we “unhide” those options on that initial menu? -Thank you!

Thanks Jon! I’ll definitely take these into consideration.


Few items from us: Customers don’t understand all the layers under the hamburger menu and how to navigate through it. Not clear between the top menu items and the menu for when in my account.

Users have a hard time finding My Registered Course (aka Pending Activities) this is a big issue we troubleshoot. When clicking on My Account at the top of the page, they then need to click on the hamburger icon to get to Registered courses and again to get to Pending Activities. It would be nice if the tabs under My Account could display with a chevron to be selected that offers the options under that tab vs making them go click the hamburger icon at each step.

When users have selected My Account – would be nice if the options for My Account (i.e. view, edit, etc.) are labeled more clearly such as View Profile, Edit Profile, etc.

Users are not able to use the site search functionality without clicking in the hamburger menu.

Mobile app would be great. Is Cadmium working on something?

Thanks Susan and Karen

Susan & Karen, thank you for your input! I’ll take these into account. Great point on the secondary options needing to be labeled clearly.

A mobile app is still on our roadmap!
