Add UI Functionalities to the Basic Content Page WYSIWYG editor

The current WYSIWYG editor to build the basic content pages in Ethos is very limited. We would like to request that you add the following UI functionalities please:
Below is the list of functionality items that we would like to request to be added to the basic page WYSIWYG editor please: Community members, if these resonates with you, please consider upvoting this request! Thanks!

  1. Accordion Tab functionality: Ability to expand/collapse sections of the page (see this example on our page).
  2. A column builder tool: This would facilitate the creation of responsive row/column layouts to make it easier to move away from table-based layouts.
  3. Left navigation (example on Inspection Tools and Training | College of American Pathologists)
  4. Back to top functionality for long pages (example- as the user scrolls blue button appears in bottom right corner, Historical Timeline | College of American Pathologists)
  5. Button rows (Style Guide: Module Options (no… | College of American Pathologists)
  6. Card rows (Style Guide: Module Options (no… | College of American Pathologists)
  7. Call outs (Style Guide: Callouts | College of American Pathologists)

I agree–we’ve been lobbying to get the WYSIWYG editor updated for years. This is the 4th LMS I’ve been involved with going back 2 decades and it is by far the most time-consuming and difficult to use. These sorts of inefficiencies cost us time and money. Ethos keeps adding bells and whistles and neglects the functionality that would make things easier and more efficient for their customers and for our customers.


We would LOVE accordion tab capability and have been asking for it for over a year. These are all fairly basic features that are on many other websites, and the lack of these features is making our Ethos site look dated and cluttered, and making it harder to navigate. I’m honestly at a loss as to why Ethos hasn’t made adding this functionality more of a priority. Every other website from comparable organizations that I visit has more functionality than ours.


Regarding the Accordion - we were able to get the following. . .

**Here is the source code that we used for Instructions of Use. Sorry,when I copy the code to here, it just gives the same the end result

Let me know if you have a questions
Susan Benysh, Mayo Clinic

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Great, thank you for sharing this, Susan! We’ll try this out.