Dark Mode option?

Hi there - our institution has implemented accessibility guidelines that we will need to (eventually) follow. One suggestion for accessibility was the ability to switch the view to “Dark Mode” - I currently have a coworker who uses dark mode and said that she uses a Chrome extension to make the site dark, but that it isn’t ideal because it becomes impossible to see some of the buttons. Does anyone else want to explore this? Is there clear guidance and/or documentation as to what Ethos does/has to be accessible?I know we have alt tags etc, but would be great if there were a list of how Ethos complies with accessibility requirements. Thanks!

Voting for this! Our organization is already heavily working on revamping the main website to make it as accessible as possible and has asked us to do the same. We’ve already made adjustments based on some of our users needs and a “Dark Mode” option has been requested already.

Dark mode usually requires a 2nd CSS option, and a way for the site to remember the user’s chosen preference. Css-tricks.com has a great guide on what to consider when implementing a dark mode if you are interested.

Gabriela and Julie,
Thanks for raising this. We’re also working on an initiative to make our properties more accessible. I took a free Microsoft training that was pretty informative on different aspects of accessibility. There was a section on web accessibility. that was particularly helpful. Among the items was contrast.

When I started poking around the platform with the Edge screen reader, I got stuck on navigation. This could be due to the way that we have our site configured. Some elements seem to be in order and others likely need investigation. My hope is that Cadmium continues to address and update accessibility in a future releases.

I’m going to try to learn more about Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) on w3

@Remy_Perez posted and Scott Kuchinski previously posted some items in February, 2022.
[ADA Compliance? - EthosCE Support - EthosCE Support Community]


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