I would really love to have another date added to courses–‘Registration Closes’. I have about 10 or so jointly-provided activities throughout the year, in addition to our own live activities which are increasing in number, and we have to manually close enrollments to keep people from registering after the cutoff date. Some groups like to close registration as much as 10 days before the date of their meeting so they can create name badges and other personalized elements to their attendees’ reg packets. Some even charge a ‘late fee’ for walk-ins to generate some extra income to cover costs (one group makes a ton from this practice).
For live meetings, “Course opens” refers to when registration opens, and “Course expires” relates to when attendees no longer have access to the site. In our case, that’s the last date on which they can claim credit, which can be as much as 11 months after the meeting takes place (I hate our credit claiming policy but have no influence for changing it, so I live with it). “Event starts” is the date and time the meeting itself starts, and “Event ends” is the actually end date/time of the meeting.
It isn’t a heinous task to manually close reg, but sometimes I forget to double-check dates and someone slips in after the cutoff, and it’s a pain to manage such a small detail in the big picture of my workdays. I think adding an automatic reg closing date/time would be wonderful.