Changing Font Color

Hi there, would it be possible to add the ability to change the color of fonts within courses and other content? We often need to differentiate language/content and make is stand out and having the ability to easily change font color would be helpful. Thanks.

This would be a helpful feature…following

We do have color changes in our courses (not all, but a few). To do this, you can write out the text in a Word doc and change the color there. Then, you can copy it, go into the course, and paste it. Another way to do this is through the source. If you click on the source, you would need to put the following before a line < span style=“color:red”> (no space) and then < /span> (no space) after it.

The example below shows the line in Red. Take out the space before span and before /span.
< span style=“color:red”>If you are having issues logging into or setting up your account< /span>

Sorry, I had to put the spaces in so it would show in this message.
Susan Benysh, Mayo Clinic

Thanks so much Susan. We were shown that but would like it to function more like it does in word with it being within the control panel like Bold and Italics are.

Wondering if that can be added here:

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