Combining the session credit transcript and the regular transcript

Does anyone have the need to combine the session credit transcript and the regular transcript? Our participants would like the two combined on the screen and the transcript. Does anyone else find a need for this? If you have them separated is there a reason why?

Thanks for feedback!


Yes! I’ve been asking for that since we rolled Ethos to our physicians.

We’ve talked about creating a comprehensive transcript that includes session credits and certificate credit. Our team definitely thinks that should be built into Ethos. Though, without forsaking the separated option as well. I think we just want to offer users the option to choose. If they did have/find a reason they only wanted certain information, it’d be readily available. I imagine the scenarios for that aren’t many, but should it come up it could be overwhelming to find one piece of information among what will be a lengthy document. Especially for very active physicians/other health professionals.

Though I suppose it all depends how it would be built, etc.

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