Hi all,
Our team is looking for alternate ways to manage our communication with our activity coordinators of RSS CME activities. Currently, we utilize Smartsheet software to collect activity topics, learning objectives, speakers, disclosure info, and dates/times. The activity coordinator of an approved RSS activity has access to a single Smartsheet (much like a Google sheet) where they give us this info in real time and can make changes as necessary. Once we have all our required info, we add it to the Ethos session and post the SMS code on the Smartsheet, which gets sent to that activity coordinator to distribute to the learners. Our current issue is that we have ~120 RSS activities and growing and managing the maintenance of separate sheets for each activity is time consuming.
What are the ways in which you collect activity session information and distribute the SMS code?
We utilize the RSS workflow process module for which the coordinators add their sessions, upload their disclosures and meeting invites or flyers. We then review to ensure all documentation is correct and approve it via the workflow process. Once a session is approved the coordinator who submitted the session receives the SMS Code
We use the same. Takes the gathering of data and building the sessions off your team. Coordinators can also add webforms, quiz, etc. to the outline if needed. In our workflow we have a “modify” state that is available after the session is approved for situations where a last minute presenter change or a date change, etc. The modify state sends it back for approval.
We also use the workflow - it works really well. We have meetings with the coordinators to determine how their RSS needs to be set up, and then we create a template session for them to use to clone/repeat session. Then things are set up for the most part the way they need it, and they are just changing out session-specific info like date, presenter, etc. and uploading required documentation. We use integrated Convey global disclosure system. If you ever want to talk with our RSS Manager about our process, let me know!