Course not appearing in pending activities after manual enrollment

I’m having a few issues with a parent course that I created.

I bulk enrolled two test users in the parent course but for some reason it only enrolls them into the first 2 child courses and not the remaining ones (there are 10 total). Is there a limit to how many courses a user is allowed to enroll in at one time?

Another issue I’m having is that it shows the two people enrolled in the course, but when I got to the profile for User 2, it does not show any courses in the pending activities.
It shows the first 2 child courses and the parent course for User 1, but completely blank for User 2. What could be causing these issues?

  1. I have not seen a limit to how many courses a user is allowed to be enrolled at one time.
  2. Is User 2’s profile complete? Do you have the Terms of Use module and did they sign off on that? Is their profile complete?

Sorry to not be more helpful, but here are some pointers. I am happy to connect with you to discuss this offline
Susan Benysh