Enhancement - Webforms Likert Scale - Ability to substitute text values with numeric values and calculate

This request is to be able to substitute numeric values for text strings that are in likert scales

Present state - admin creates a scale with text attributes with the order of the values
4|Very Good

Desired state would be for admin to be create a scale that would show the text label but could provide the option to populate numeric values for statistical computation (weighted average, mode, counts of answers)
4|Very Good

Excellent would populate a value of 5
Very Good would populate a value of 4
or alternatively, if an author wanted to set a range of 10, 9,8,7,6, the author could and these could appear in the downloadable or data or possibly (even better) as a calculated field…

This is already how the system works, you can populate any numeric value and it won’t affect the display order.

See this post for information about seeing averages appearing in a calculated field.

When downloading the way data you can configure the keys to be downloaded for calculations:

Hope this helps!