Ethos Mobile App


With everything that has happened with the pandemic and now looking to the future of our programs, we would be interested in an Ethos app. While the website is generally mobile friendly, you have to have a better understanding of navigation of the wesite on the computer before it is easy for a user to navigate on there phone. Would anyone else be interested in an app? If so, what features would you like to see?

Yes, agree! My top 3 wishes for the app:

A really easy way for participants to get credit by phone would be ideal. Also easy navigation for online activities, considering how much we are switching from live to virtual. Also an easy way to see transcript.



Hi Ariel,
An app would be very helpful for our customers. It would enable them to have access to online courses in a more convenient way. In terms of features, it would be helpful to have offline usage options.

I would prefer that a mobile friendly version of the experience be created that we we could leverage our existing tools and direct customers via phone. I also think developmentally that would be much simpler and accomplishable.

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I would love to see an app for Ethos. Not sure if it would work for SSO but fingerprint log in would be great.

Last year we launched a mobile learning app on another vendor, and would have loved to have kept it in one platform. We would consider merging it back in the future if an Ethos app met our mobile needs. Our number one requirement for an app was that it did not structure mobile learning as “desktop but on your phone.” Our app gets straight into case-based vignettes that can be completed in 2-5 min chunks that “roll up” into a “collection” rather than a “course.” Would love to see Ethos build an app that allowed designers to create a mobile experience that compliments desktop courses, rather than duplicating for mobile, to reinforce learning, build competency, and delay the forgetting curve.

We would love to see an app also, but I am wondering how that would work with SSO? Bout 75% of our users are SSO.

Yes to an app. Especially one that can manage hourly attendance.

I have to say that an app would be awesome.

But I’d also second what Patrick said above. Opening websites on mobile isn’t something that’s going to disappear anytime soon. Since Ethos already has some mobile-friendly capability, it’s probably easier to realize more of that potential (and faster) than to develop an app.

So I say both! More development on Ethos’ mobile-friendly capabilities, with an App as the ultimate end result.

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