Time zone display on activity landing pages additional configuration
As of version 7.51, EthosCE now supports user-selected timezone displays on all activity landing pages. Registered users are now able to select a preferred time zone display option by simply visiting their profile and selecting a timezone. EthosCE will automatically adjust any time displayed in the system to the user’s selected time zone.
In version 7.52, we’ve added some optional configuration options to provide a more flexible time zone display:
Allow users to set their own sitewide display timezone.
Notify users upon login to select a preferred display timezone.
Provide new users with a default site timezone, an empty timezone, or allow users to set their own timezone upon site registration.
Order report SKU and coupon filter enhancement
Version 7.52 includes additional filter enhancements to the course order reports. When visiting the course order report (admin/reports/course/orders), administrators will now see additional options to filter by order SKU and order coupon code.
Google Analytics 4 support
EthosCE now supports the use of Google Analytics 4 tracking codes. The updated Google Analytics global tracking code has been added to all customer sites. Administrators do not have to update their universal tracking code at this time, however, the updated global script tag will support Google Analytics 4 when enabled.
Bug fixes and other improvements
EthosCE 7.52 also includes various other improvements, bug and security fixes.
We have two questions about the new time zone display:
Is there an ability per event to change the time zone versus per user?
Can the time zone update based on a users physical location?
Both of these questions are specific to live in-person events as our staff default to an EST site default but our live events might not necessarily fall into the same. We notate the time zone on our agendas so, no big deal if not, but figured I’d ask.
The timezone display on the activity/event landing page will be adjusted based on the user’s specific preferred timezone selection made on their profile account settings. For example, if your event is taking place at 8:00am EST, and the user has selected their preferred timezone display as ‘CT’, Ethos will automatically update the activity landing page time/date information to display in CT for this individual user (7:00am CT in this example). Currently, there is no option to set a ‘static’ timezone to display on the individual activity/event settings. However, we received some requests for this feature so stay tuned!
The preferred timezone selection on each individual user’s profile account settings is intended to reflect their physical location and timezone. However, we do not prevent the user from updating their preferred timezone at any time.
I will also note we added some additional help text to the course settings which shows administrators the global date and timezone configured on each EthosCE site (in your example, this is set to EST). We’ve added this help text to assist and calibrate live events based on the global EthosCE site timezone.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions. I will also provide a link to our EthosCE user guide for additional information about the recently added timezone selection feature.