Evaluation Questions

Hello, all!

I am wondering if anyone can send me an example of what questions and format they use on their evaluations. We had an old form we used but it doesn’t fit exactly into the Ethos system so I am wondering what other groups do as we work to revamp the format. Mainly we are looking at RSS, but if you are willing to share more, that would be wonderful. Thank you for any help you can provide! Have a great day.

Hello - we were able to use Markup fields to create “headings” for certain questions. We also had to separate some of the data sets, as an example, where we asked things like “before the session” and “after the session”, in Qualtrics you can list these together with the rating scale and parameters, now we list these as separate questions.

On the topic of evaluations, can someone give any tips or tricks for aligning the data in your responses (other than inserting cells to shift things over)? We created our evals as they had been in Qualtrics and realized, after we launched our programs, that the data does not align when you have skip logic. I guess my question would be is there a way to create the skip logic where your data isn’t misaligned in the downloaded results?


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Dear Courtney and Ethos Community,

Sample Evaluation from Children’s Hospital Colorado is attached.

You can customize your evaluation instructions.

Set your “required *” questions for accreditation.

You can “hide” questions if you have a shared evaluation template with Nursing. E.g. learner outcome, or objectives.

If it’s not a required question, learners will skip quickly.

We have the one-day evaluation template and a multi-day evaluation with skip logic.

Good luck,

Shaun Ayon


Evaluation- AAP Colorado Annual CME Conference 2023 Children’s Hospital Colorado Continuing Education CME Sample.pdf (2.53 MB)

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Hello - we use a global evaluation template (Webform Template) that can be used for courses or RSS, and we rely heavily on fieldsets to manage the ease of use on the backend and visuals on the front end. We also use conditionals. If you are interested in seeing how we set ours up, let me know and I’m happy to schedule something.
We use webforms in a lot of ways, beyond evaluation.
For more complex data analysis, Qualtrics is better.

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Thank you for sharing - we are struggling with the speaker entry. So for a conference or an RSS with multiple speakers, we need to enter each one. We had a custom built system that we used to use and may have to return to. For RSS we rely a lot on associates/coordinators out in the clinics to get us their session information for review. Having them add the speaker seems a bit too much, but we could do this maybe the way you have yours set up.

Hello everyone! Thanks again for helping me with this issue.

Shaun - How do you “hide” questions?

JAM - I looked at fieldsets, but I am not sure how to use them. I understand and can use conditionals effectively…but not the fieldsets. I guess I need an example. Maybe the fieldset option is a solution to my hiding issue below.

I have a template I made (thank you, Shaun - so very helpful!) but I made extra speaker slots that I wish I could figure out how to hide and not delete each time. Thank you!

HI Courtney -
Do you want to set up a quick zoom re fieldsets? Easier to show you front and back end…

You can “hide” questions from non-admins by making them Private. You will still see them but not normal learners.

Susan B.

Thanks, Susan! I think I am overthinking this a little bit and sometimes, delete will work fine.

Thanks Susan B!

Pardon my mistype with “hide” vs “required”.

I need to learn to Hide the questions myself. :blush:

Working from your one-day template – utilize the existing speaker fields to update your evaluation fields based on latest program.

CLONE or DELETE Speaker/Topic as needed.

Best of Luck.

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