Export of SCORM question responses

Hi all,

Just curious if anyone would find an export of SCORM question responses useful? Currently this data can be viewed individually but not exported.

A report might include:

  • Activity ID
  • User ID
  • First & last name
  • Attempt (1, 2, etc based on the number of times they have attempted the SCO)
  • Attempt Start Time
  • Question ID
  • Question Description
  • Question Type
  • Learner response
  • Result (correct/incorrect)

Any other ideas or suggestions?

Yes, we would find this VERY useful. We are less concerned about start time, question ID, and question type, and would prefer some course identifier other than activity ID (course title or SKU would be better), but YES, the ability to export SCORM data is high on our list of wants.

This would be extremely helpful. Please, please create this.

Marie Vital Acle, MPH, MCHES
Manager, CME Programs and Online Learning
8900 North Kendall Drive| Miami, Florida 33176
Direct: 786-596-1668 | Main: 786-596-2398 |Fax: 786-533-9706

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