Finding expired courses

I’m working my way through activities to create an aggregate year end report for overall program evaluation. Currently I am downloading each activity/course evaluation individually. This is easy enough to do (although time consuming) if the course is still actives. What I realized (this being the second year on the platform) is I have no way of knowing which of my courses expired during the past 2018 year, but would still need data pulled to contribute to the year end report.

Is there way I’m overlooking to see the course start and expire dates… in the least? Any help how to identify courses that expired in 2018 would be greatly appreciated.


Hey Heather,
Finding the courses you need is a good task for our newly released EthosCE Analytics reporting, that digs deeply into the course details that you need. There are several reports in there that contain the start and expiration dates.

The EthosCE Analytics “Courses” report includes the start and expiration date.

  1. Go to the admin menu
  2. Click “EthosCE Analytics”
  3. Scroll down toward the bottom of the page
  4. Under “Reports” click "Courses.
  5. Under the gear at the top right, click download.

The “Course field” report also includes start and expiration date.

  1. Go to the admin menu
  2. Click “Administration” > “Reports” > “Course reports” > “Course fields”
  3. Scroll to the bottom and click the CSV icon. You may want to filter before downloading.

The “ACCME report” includes EthosCE start and expiration date as well as ACCME activity duration start and expiration.

  1. Go to the admin menu
  2. Click “Administration” > “Reports” > “Course reports” > “ACCME report”
  3. Scroll to the bottom and click the CSV icon. You may want to filter before downloading.

Since you are talking about aggregated program evaluation response data, you might also be able to use the webform reports in EthosCE Analytics. Those are avaiable from the dashboard as well.

I hope this helps you with the year end reporting.

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