Hello all,
I have had an emergency and am moving our discussion series this month to Wednesday, January 26th at 4pm EST!
Sorry for the late adjustment.
This month we will be talking about FACULTY MANAGEMENT! A highly requested topic!
Please feel free to submit your questions to this form and if you are not on the calendar invite, please post your email below to be included!
I hope you’ve all had a wonderful new year and I’m looking forward to hanging out next week!
I would love the invite to this meeting. My email is knellis@uthsc.edu. Thank you.
Please invite! Barry Wilhelm, bwilhelm@shea-online.org.
Please invite apatel@bonehealthandosteoporosis.org and amedeiros@bonehealthandosteoporosis.org
Please invite LBennett@AUAnet.org and SHardy@AUAnet.org. Thank you!
Please invite sratsavong@facs.org and opetinaux@facs.org. Thank you!
Can you please add Julie.Grygar@BSWHealth.org
Can you send me another invite to this meeting please. Susan.Mraz@BSWHealth.org
Please add DSilva@amgroup.us
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