Using same set of pre- and post-test questions when pulling from question bank

Is there a way when pulling random pre- and post-assessment questions from a bank, to force Ethos to present the same set of question to an individual learner in both their pre- and post-tests? We are trying to measure improvement.

I have not seen that option - We usually make the pre and post-test the same for all learners (putting all questions in there). You can randomize, but unfortunately, I don’t think you can say Randomize and make them match the pre-test.

Mayo Clinic

That is what I’m concluding from the settings in the quiz tool. I just hoped someone had figured out a way to do it. This case is an outlier for us but I think it would be a great option. Thanks, Susan!

Good luck and let us know if you figure it out.

Mayo Clinic

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