Web Design, HTML and CSS Reference Links

Hi again everyone,

For those who both attended, or didn’t attend the User-Led Discussion last week, I wanted to share some resources and links that we put in the chat on that day for easy referencing :slight_smile:

The Odin Project - This is a free Web Development course online that’s very well done, and easy to understand. They have great content and supplemental Youtube videos you can watch along with to get your bearings on not only HTML and CSS, but back-end development too, if you’re daring enough!

W3 Schools - A great go-to resource for code of all kinds, with tutorials, resources, and exercises

Code Academy - This is what I call Duolingo for code, haha. CodeAcademy also has a mobile app that’s perfect for learning about code in bite size pieces during your lunch break of a free quiet moment.

If your workplace provides Linkedin Learning (previous Lynda.com) or Skillshare, I recommend taking a look at those sites as well :slight_smile: Youtube also contains a wealth of knowledge, and for free!

All the best,



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