Webform complexity

We have a QI project webform where what the physician involved in updating it would like is a sentence where users would select options or fill in a blank:

Our aim was to [increase/decrease] [enter measure here] among patients with [specify age/condition] seen in our [outpatient/inpatient clinic] from a baseline of [number/percentage] per month to a goal of [number/percentage] per month by [enter date here] and sustain for [xx] months.

The only option I can see is to break this up into individual fields in the form, which is okay–we can report out on individual answers and track trends, identify practice gaps, etc.–but that makes the form almost twice as long as it was before.

We know historically that people view open text fields as the enemy, which is why offering concrete options when possible is always preferable. Any ideas about how we could manage this differently??