ABS Parent/Child CME & SA-CME Live Course Credit

Has anyone successfully offered in EthosCE differing credit amounts for both AMA Category 1/CME and American Board of Surgery (ABS) Self-Assessment for a single live course activity? Mainly would like to know how others set up their:

  • “ACCME” tab
  • Course Settings > Course Credit tab

In our Test LMS, the course is showing in the PARS sandbox and credit info is in the course reports, but the ACCME/ABS error report is not showing any users & we are using ACCME Sandbox-approved users.

We are just pushing these credits earned in a different system through Ethos so credit is shared with ACCME/ABS, so the learner is not even interacting with the LMS. If anyone willing to share screen grabs of their setup, or get on a quick video call, I would so appreciate it.

ACCME said it is possible to award different credit types this way. For example, they said if we “have a live activity that is worth 20 CME credits, but only half of the sessions include the learner feedback step that is required for self-assessment credit. When registering the activity for ABS, you would enter a total credit amount of 20 and you would select both “accredited CME” and “self-assessment” as the credit types. When registering the activity you don’t distinguish how much is available for each credit type . The different amounts get reported when you submit your learners for credit. For a learner that completed the whole activity, you would award 20 total credits, with 20 in the “accredited CME” ABS category and only 10 in the “self-assessment” ABS category.”
