Coupon box during checkout

We have a conference where we are NOT using coupon codes. A partner has asked that we hide the coupon box during checkout. Registrants are not scrolling down enough and think the “Apply” button will allow them to checkout. Does anyone know if you can turn this off? Thanks.

I don’t think this is something you could turn off at the course level, since people could have multiple courses in their shopping cart at the point they are prompted to add a coupon (unless you have it set to only allow one course order at a time?)

Our button says “Apply coupon” so it’s pretty clear. We did a string override to change “Apply to order” to “Apply coupon”

We’ve also changed a few other buttons during checkout to make it more clear what step they are on.

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This is how we make ours look at Mayo Clinic to avoid confusion.
Susan Benysh
Mayo Clinic

Thank you! That makes sense.

Thanks, Susan! I assume the help text has to be updated by Cadmium, I was unable to find a payment “form” in EthosCE. This is our first time using payment processing so we are having to work through these types of details.

Yes, I believe that help text has to be added by Cadmium (it has been so long since we did it :slight_smile: