Coupon Searching Capability and Usage Totals

Coupon management is always a challenge for us. We have many organizations that purchase coupons in bulk for their students to enroll in our courses. They routinely inquire ask how many coupons they have remaining to determine if they need to purchase more. This requires us to:

  1. Search for the coupon to determine how many they purchased (having a search bar to look up coupons by keyword would be helpful). Currently, we need to scroll page by page to find the coupon we are seeking.
  2. Run a coupon usage report to determine how many they used (a keyword search bar would be very helpful in the coupon usage report also).

Is there a way to, on one page, see the original number of coupons purchased and how many are remaining?

Denise Vera, MSN, RN
Nursing Informatics Coordinator
Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing

Agreed - and would like to see an easier function to Search for Coupons. . . .
Susan Benysh
Mayo Clinic

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I concur - need to be able to search and filter coupons! Would also be helpful to then be able to multiple select and either make inactive or delete.


Being able to search for codes and multi-select them would be awesome. Time saver for sure.

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