Hello everyone!
I’m Valerie, the Software Trainer for EthosCE. I am reaching out as I’ve been working for a few months on a self paced training option for EthosCE users. This training, which takes place over a lightly monitored 2-3 weeks, is set up as a series of courses on a Learning Group I’ve created. Each course focuses on different admin levels within EthosCE - Authenticated Users, Course Admins, and Site Admins.
The content in this course is almost exactly the same as the content I have in Group/Onboarding training, and will be hopefully readily available soon. However, I’d love to have some of our established clients test this out with folks who haven’t yet been trained in your institution. Here’s how this works:
I have 10 available slots for the month of November to test out Self Paced Training. Slots are limited to 2 untrained users per institution. This would be free training for people to become DSO certified within your institution. Each user has 3 weeks to complete the whole training, and we will be having a short meeting at the end of each week to discuss how the process is going. The feedback we get during this time will help us move forward with fixing/editing the training so it is as useful and user friendly as possible.
During the training month, the process will include:
- One short, pre-training meeting where I will explain the process to the folks involved.
- Three courses with text, videos, monitored activities (done on your test site), and quizzes to ensure learners are paying attention and retaining information.
- The end of each course has a certification for your learner to move forward.
- At the end of each week, we will have a short meeting (a half hour to an hour) to discuss any questions or issues with activities/information.
- At the end of the training month, we will plan out a longer meeting (an hour to an hour and a half) to discuss any questions, issues, or suggestions to move self paced training forward.
- After that last meeting, your employees will be considered trained and ready to be a DSO if need-be.
If you are interested in having an employee go through this free training, please e-mail me at valerie.genzano@gocadmium.com and post any questions you have about it below! (Other people may want to know too )
Thank you all so much and I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Valerie Genzano