How do you re-use courses in Ethos without cloning repeatedly?

In the past, my organization would frequently bundle a specific course into several different packages and sell them separately. I’m curious, have any of you found a good way to put the same course into multiple “packages”/course relationships without cloning it a bunch of times? Building out a parent/child relationship and reusing the same course in each of them doesn’t seem like a viable option.



We will put our podcasts into different packages/groupings to sell. Mostly this is done with Parent/child relations. Why is that not a viable option? I am just trying to understand.
When we don’t have the parent/child, we will put all the “groupings” on a Basic Page to sell. Here is an example of a Grouping that we may use. These allow the learner to review the material, but they must buy the course to claim credit.

Susan Benysh, Mayo Clinic

We do bundle courses into a parent/child relationship, but we don’t want to put the same course into multiple parent/child relationships. When I do that, all of the “parents” show up under a user’s accont even if they aren’t enrolled in all parents. So I’m looking for a solution around that.

Maybe we should talk, but when you set up the parent, do you set it up under course relationships like:
Parent Credit - choose Normal
Enrollment Settings - choose User may only enroll in direct children (this stops the parents from being in the transcripts)
Child enrollment options - choose User selects child activities.

also, we do not allow this parent to be put on the transcript.

This seems to work when we have multiple parent/child relationships with the same child course.

I would be happy to chat sometime if you have time. We have courses where we have allowed them to register for the parent only, or the parent or direct child. You’re saying you just select that they enroll in the child only and that prevents the parent from showing in the account? What setting do you use under the Child enrollment options?

Under children, we only select Show on Transcript. Happy to show you sometime


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