Ours opens in the same window and we use the following instructions page (people actually read it, for the most part, which is a shocker). We have it set up with bullet points, but they didn’t translate:
Please read the instructions, below, regarding completion of this activity:
To view the webinar you must first review these instructions and click the ‘Next’ button at the bottom of the page to be taken to the webinar page.
When entering the webinar, choose one of the following audio options:
When the webinar begins, you will be connected to audio using your computer's microphone and speakers (VoIP). A headset is recommended.
If you prefer to use your phone, you must select "Use Telephone" after joining the webinar and call in using the numbers below:
United States: (914) 614-3221
Access Code: 157-683-410
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the webinar
After participating in the webinar, click your browser’s back arrow to return to the webinar information page.
There is a short wait for attendance to be recorded. About 15 minutes after the 8:30 pm Central end time (8:45 pm) you should be able to proceed past the webinar page to complete the evaluation and credit claiming steps.
Click the "Next" button at the bottom of the Webinar information page.
Complete the short evaluation form.
Claim your credit and print and/or save a CME certificate for your records, if needed.
To enter the activity, please click ‘Continue’ or ‘Resume.’
Please note:
To claim credits and print a certificate, you must complete all components of the activity IN ORDER. The credit claiming system does not record credits if mandatory steps are skipped.