Navigation - Eliminating clicks

Eliminating 2 clicks!

Our learners have continued to complain about navigating through the activity and having redundant clicks. Here are proposed ways to streamline that and eliminate 2 clicks.

  1. If there are no Course instructions, course home page/Start course button should be eliminated and should take learner directly to the first course object.

  2. After submitting a webform, redirect the learner to the next course object instead of a default submission message.

Please support this suggestion by voting! Thank you.

I already use the URL Redirect in the webform to take people to a new page. . . just go to the webform - Webform - Form Settings - scroll down and you can redirect them to a node.

Just a thought,

Thanks, Susan. Yeah, I consider this a good work around. But I just need to get rid of one more click! :slight_smile:

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