Support Role Restriction

I there a way to restrict the Support Role to a specific course?

I have two course managers who need access to enrollments and reports for their course we built for them. The Support Role would be perfect, but we do not want to give them access to this information in all courses.

Likewise, since this course is in a Learning Group, I can make them Admin Members, but again, this gives them permissions to edit all courses in the LG - definitely not something we want them to have.

While I could give one the Course Author role, this does not help for the second person.

Has anyone else run into this issue? How did you handle it?

Thanks, Betsy

HI Betsy -

This is an ongoing issue for us… we brought up improvements to roles quite a while back. Would be great if things could be set at a more granular level. The role we “give out” most often is the report viewer. Technically people who have this role could look at any course reports. To be proactive, we ask each person to sign a usage/access document - they agree to only look up stuff relevant to their courses. We also don’t explain that they have global access… we send them instructions to access reports for their course… we add in the link to their course, etc. so they are always (hopefully) going directly there when they want to review their reports. There are also concerns about the amount of access people have when they have the faculty coordinator role, but it’s necessary to give to our RSS coordinators so they can manually enroll someone to a session if need be.
Would LOVE for Ethos to get serious about addressing this issue. Happy to be part of a committee that helps figure out how best to improve roles in the system!

Agree that the ability to assign roles would be very useful and go a long way with meeting security standards around least privileged access.


We’ve also suggested this to Ethos multiple times. We also want to see a support role that can be restricted on a course by course basis.

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Good morning everyone!

We are so excited to see this level of activity on the community, and we love to hear feature requests like this! I’ll be reaching out in the coming days to schedule quick calls with a few of you to gather some more concrete requirements for this ask, so that we may add it to our feature backlog and complete this improvement as part of our upcoming Drupal 10 upgrade. Please let me know if you’d be interested in meeting with me to discuss further!


Yes please, sign me up Nathan - thank you!

Would love to discuss. We are a JA provider and are trying to promote Joint Providership services. Without having more defined permissions in EthosCE it is difficult to allow our partners access in EthosCE.

Hi Nathan,
would love to meet with you to discuss this further.

Hi Nathan,

any updates on this support role restriction request? I would love to speak with you to discuss implementation of this improvement. Hope to hear back from you soon.

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Good morning Betsy! I just reached out to you via email to coordinate some time for a meeting. Looking forward to our meeting!

Hi Nathan, checking with the team for some good times. Will get back to you via email soon.
