New ROLES within Ethos PRO

We would love to see a new role type created for Ethos PRO.

Role would have access to only select course that the SITE ADMIN grants access to.

Role would then be able to pull course completions, course enrollments but not be able to access credits.

The role would be able to pull transcripts for users.

The role would be able to build new courses.

What would be restricted would be the ability to credit users, the ACCME TAB and the ability to edit any course they are not assigned to.


We have wanted a “faculty” role forever.


What would your faculty role do? What I described?

We had this role on our proprietary website. The role could:

  1. Preview a course before publishing
  2. Edit only their course and their course objects
  3. Look at grade book/enrollees
  4. Look at test/survey stats
  5. Communicate to students via a course-based discussion forum
  6. Write emails to students whenever necessary (group or individual)

The faculty role could not:

  1. Edit/access user accounts
  2. See global stats or reports
  3. Create/Enter courses they didn’t own

We miss this role a LOT!

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Oh, that would work for us!

Agreed, this program director/faculty role is much needed

Jeanne G. Cole, EdD
Assistant Dean, CME
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at
Thomas Jefferson University

Twitter: @JeffCME
Click Below to follow:

We also had a Coordinator role.

This role could look at:

  1. Grade book ONLY for their cohort
  2. Enrollees Only for their cohort
  3. Test/Survey stats ONLY for their cohort
  4. Can create sign in sheets only for their cohort

Cohorts were grouped by SKU. Same basic SKU for all cohorts, suffix at end for grouping:
Example: 17100-OL-HMC
This SKU denotes a 2017 course, online education category, Harborview Medical Center cohort

We still use this SKU convention in EthosCE (via attribute/option/adjustment settings), but have to send our coordinators to our old website for their coordinator stuff. And we have to download csv files from EthosCE each week for course completions for our coordinators and upload to our old server. Not ideal.

Ideally a practice administrator in a clinical area could manage the accounts/profiles for physicians assigned to that administrator. It would be great if we had a role for User Administrators who the Site Admins would assign specific users to the User Admin (So the Department of Emergency Medicine Faculty would all be assigned to a staff person in that department for example).

The User Admin would be able to:

Print transcripts (for individual users or the entire group of their assigned physicians)
Add external credits
Enroll users in CME activities
Uneroll users from CME activities (when there are no reg fees associated with the course)
Send reminders to their assigned user(s)
Update profile (an automatic email should go to the user letting them know their profile has been updated and by whom).
There should be a User Admin dashboard (reports) that tells the User Admin:

How many credits are pending for their group including the close dates for the courses
How many credits were awarded to their group (sorted by time frames)
Contact information report for all users assigned to them
Upcoming course enrollments for their specific users

Down the line, it would be ideal if this Role could also pay registration fees for multiple users in one transaction.

Agreed! We’ve have multiple admins request the functionality you outlined

Is this more about assigning a delegate vs a role in the system?

I would say role because they would be able to generate reports and push out reminders. Also they SHOULD NOT be able to complete the courses on behalf of learners that includes not being able to complete evaluations or any other course objects. Using the term delegate might imply that ability.


This is something we would be interested in exploring as well.

This is still something our office is extremely interested in.
Being able to assign new roles to and permissions for a department to be able to print transcripts, etc would really be helpful.