Time Zones in Courses

We have a course that is being offered Live and is in 3 different time zones. How do you handle this?
Any suggestions?


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The Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency (DHA), J7 Continuing Education Program Office (CEPO) offers our CE activities “live” worldwide. Since we are located in the East Coast, we use the Eastern Standard Time (EST) and ensure that it is communicated in our outreach and dissemination tactics.

There is no problem for our homestudy sessions since healthcare providers worldwide can participate at their own time, pace.



Lolita T. O’Donnell, PhD, MSN, RN
Director, Continuing Education Program
Chief, External Professional Development & Education Defense Health Agency, Education & Training Directorate, J7
(301) 295-7146 Office
(240) 701-7328 Cell

** Would you like to earn up to 8 FREE CEs? Join us on 22 August 2019 for the Clinical Communities Speaker Series focusing on Innovations in Health Care from Centers of Excellence and Communities of Practice Groups. To register, visit the following link: http://dhaj7.adobeconnect.com/dhaccss22august2019/event/registration.html

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