We are encountering multiple issues where a learner is unable to access a Warpwire video from the course player (usually from a hospital/clinic location with robust security settings). Screenshot attached. Have any other Warpwire users run into this problem, and were you able to find a solution or workaround?
Thank you!
Warpwire is designed to securely serve content for organizations with robust security settings. From your screenshot, it appears that the Warpwire Content Delivery Network (CDN) is currently restricted for this user, and therefore not allowing the content to be properly delivered.
You will simply need to whitelist the CDN delivery domains which Warpwire Support will send to you privately. These domains will also be made available to Institutional Admins within the Warpwire Admin Tool.
Warpwire creates a unique CDN domain for each of our clients so that we may independently serve content to their users, and not share content from any other client. We use the industry leading Subresource Integrity standard (Subresource Integrity) to cryptographically sign all resources to ensure they maintain security throughout the delivery process.
Please feel free to contact us directly at support@warpwire.net with any questions you have regarding whitelisting/white-labeling of domains, we are more than happy to help.
Andrew, Warpwire Support
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