Good Afternoon,
I am wondering if there is any interest in the other users for the Drupal webform calculator to be added into Ethos?
We have been discussing this with Joel and are interesting in testing it out for a few of our live events (maybe 2-4x/semester). We haven’t seen it yet so stay tuned!
I must admit, I have the webform calculator. We had a call today (the unofficial user group call) and a lot of discussion around it, the group asked if there was interest from other groups too so I figured I would put this out there and see!
Thank you!
Hi all,
I’m putting out a request for customer input on the credit calculator feature. If you think the credit calculator is something you would use, or if you are currently using the webform calculator, please let me know via a response or private message here. I’d like to meet with you for a short call to get input.
For those not familiar with the feature, it allows for learners to select the sessions they attended and automatically calculate the correct number of credits to claim.
Thank you!
Hi Ezra –
We’d be interested in this.
Julie Martinelli
Educational Technology Manager
Office of Continuing Professional Development
UW School of Medicine and Public Health
Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership
AHN would be interested in this also.
Thank you
Hi Ezra,
NCCN would also be interested.
Hi Ezra,
AAFP would be interested in this as well
Yes, we are interested
Interested here, ACS, as well.
Thank you,
Olivier Petinaux | MS | Senior Manager | Distance Education and E-Learning | 312.202.5375
American College of Surgeons │ Division of Education
***Blended Surgical Education and Training for Life***®
SKMC would also be interested
BAYADA is interested as well.
GVP is interested, thank you.
Mayo Clinic would be interested
I would be interested in finding out more about this. Where can I read more about the feature?
Marion Talbot
ASTRO would be interested as well.
Heather Ranels, CHCP
Sr. eLearning Manager
American Society for Radiation Oncology
I have a spare moment and wanted to circle back to this. Has anyone been able to implement?
The feature is still in internal testing and review. We are looking forward to getting this to beta testing soon!