Activity Application - What's your process? Tell me!

Hi! I’m wondering what everyone is doing for the activity application. Did you make any modifications to the built in form? Do you have it posted for anyone to access? Do you have a separate form (like an initial activity proposal) for folks to complete first and then complete the activity application yourself? I’m curious to see how other organizations are handling their application process. Thank you!

Unfortunately we had to abandon the application for now. It simply will not work for us until we can have multiple people with access to it - and not on the admin side of things. Often we have a coordinator, a planner, the course director, the medical director, etc. all needing to contribute to the application. As it stands the application process (I did make a lot of changes to the form) can’t support this. We have moved back to using a form process outside of Ethos. Anyone else have a need for multiple contributors?

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We like the idea of having the application in Ethos, but are experiencing some issues as well.
Having multiple people able to contribute to the application would be very beneficial. It would save time for the everyone involved (course director/planner, admin, and our office).
Another issue is that I would like to be able to review the application before they actually submit it. Similar to RSS workflow maybe with options: New, Needs Review, Feedback, Approved, Denied . Right now, once it has been submitted, any changes required must be done by our office as the person who submitted it can no longer edit it. (Editing would no longer be allowed after it has been approved or denied.)

I agree it would be helpful to be able to have multiple users work on the application before submission.

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