Collecting some data - What are your completion rates?

Hi friends! :heart:
I know this data point differs depending on how your courses are set up, but for the sake of conversation, what are the completion rates like across your site? Have you done anything to help bump those up? Have you seen more success in getting completions on certain types of courses?
Thanks in advance for your input :slight_smile:
x V

Hi - Could you define what you mean by completion rates?

Live Courses

  1. Claim Credits?
  2. Complete all optional evaluations?

Enduring Materials

  1. Pass quiz?
  2. Claim Credits?

Our biggest help to get folks to finish a course by claiming the credits:
We send out reminders to those enrolled approximately 3 months prior to a course expiring to remind them to claim their credits. But, not all folks will complete it (as they don’t need the credit or do not want the credit).

Susan Benysh
Mayo Clinic

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