Live webinar with pre-registration

I have been asked to create a live webinar (free) but they would like people to pre-register. I have created a Series with multiple dates to choose from but have to make the Attendance “Completion Required” but also “Skippable” so they can get to the webinar section, where they will receive the SMS code to text for attendance. However, doing it that way will still allow people to complete the evaluation and collect credit without texting the code. I am sure there is a correct/better way to do this. Anyone?

Could you move the attendance object behind the webinar, but in front of the evaluation? In that way they could get to the webinar but would be prevented from accessing the evaluation until they were marked attended. For example

Webinar > Attendance (required) > Evaluation > Credit > Certificate

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Thank you, Ezra. That works. Baby steps!

First time poster here - please forgive me if I am posting this in the wrong place! This topic is related to an issue I am currently troubleshooting. Is it possible to make attendance a requirement for the course after the fact? I went through and marked each actual attendee as having attended, however, for those that did not attend, they still have the course listed in their profile as a “pending” activity, and technically could choose to go complete an eval and claim credit. I am looking for a way to remove if from the “pending courses” list of those individuals who did not actually attend- but it is after the activity. Am I too late to address this?

Yes, we do that when we have no shows (mark those that have not attended so they cannot claim credit). We do this with almost every live course we have by putting the Attendance Credit (required and marked by an admin) before the Claim Credit object.

Mayo Clinic

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