Course Progress on Course Home Page

Currently there is no way for a user/student to quickly check their progress of a course with multiple children. This is difficult especially when the parent course has multiple children. The user has to open each children course in order to see their progress. Can the status of children be listed on the parent course landing page to reflect the learners progress. It may be something like:
Not started
In Progress

End users can view their progress in their pending activities if you have the children set to show in transcript. Is it problematic to direct them there? We don’t currently show any of our parents in transcript because we don’t roll up credit on anything we offer with relationships right now, so this is our fallback for checking progress for individual children.

I agree with you - for courses where credit is rolled up, and especially for ones where all children are required for completion, some way of tracking this information would be helpful. Not just to end users, but to us as well. Maybe it would be easier to add a column on the Register/Begin tab where the children are listed. I could see adding a column on the far right, or, ideally, the Status column would change from Enrolled to whatever their current progress is once they actually start the course.

As a work around I can instruct users to check their transcripts first to determine their progress in a course. Thank you for this suggestion. However, this seems like “entering through the backdoor” in a sense. Having the user be able to view their progress as they enter the course would seem more “streamlined”.

I have noticed that once someone is enrolled in a course the default re-entry point to that course appears to be the Begin tab, not Overview. Have you found this to be true?

Thanks for sharing. I would love to hear from others on this feature.

One way you can solve this problem is to send enrolled users to the course completion page to view the status. It will show the completion status of each of the immediate children (and course objects) of the course.

The URL would be something like: where NID is the node ID of your course.

Yes, default re-entry point is the begin tab.

Would this still be true if we assign a custom URL? I assume so, but just wanted to check.

Yes, this should work for all courses. The user must be logged in for this to work so you’ll want to put the link somewhere where only logged in users can see it.

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