Does anyone have recommendations on how to build out complex, tiered tuition? We’re offering a course that has many tuition price options, and wondering if there’s a way to do to this without creating multiple attributes/options.
I’ve included a chart that lists all the different prices:
Thank you!
Wow, I say our payment structure is crazy.
The only way that I can see the discounts would be through coupons. . . .(ISU/Low-Income Country).
For the rest, I have an idea for you, but maybe chatting would be better.
Parent Course - all the options
Thursday Workshops
Rob. Cadaver - $1150
Lap - $1150
Anal - $1150
Main Course
Combinations with Discount
Main + Rob**
Main + Lab**
Main + Anal**
** These would be a Parent Course that has the following settings
- Edit - Credit Setting - choose the following:
Outline Display = Relationships
Parent Credit - Normal
Enrollment Settings - User may enroll in parent or direct children
Child Enrollment Options - Enroll in all child activities when enrolled in Parent
- Put the price on the pricing tab for this combo discount.
- Outline
Add the 2 courses (example Main and Rob)
BUT on the settings of each course, DO NOT make them Visible in the Outline
- This will then enroll them in those individual courses (which allows you to keep Enrollment Limits and not duplicate courses).
- If they were to Enroll in Combo Main + Rob, then their Registered courses will have each of those individually on their transcript.
Make sense? I think this could work. The hard part is the 2 discounts, and that is not too hard. You could set up webforms asking them to submit their location and you could give them a coupon if it fits criteria. Or, depending on your trust level, you could just post it (and maybe double check before the course.
Let me know if you want to chat,
Susan Benysh
Mayo Clinic