EthosCE 7.14 is now available for release! Sites will be updated per the release schedule.
For a full list of changes, please review the changelog.
Denormalization improvements for webform submitted data in EthosCE Analytics.
We have made additional changes in webform data to better support reporting on grid question format.
Split disclosure fields into separate columns in CSV download.
Each financial disclosure field is now in a separate column when downloaded in CSV format.
Enable ‘Show this field on enrollment’ by default for enrollment questions.
This checkbox is now checked by default.
Refactor Course module to improve page load performance on course relationship pages.
Large course relationship pages will now load much faster.
Add support for YouTube short link.
The short link format is now supported when embedding YouTube videos.
Add import date and filter to imported course records.
The imported course record table now shows a column containing the import date and can also be filtered by import date.
Bug fixes and other improvements
EthosCE 7.14 also includes various other improvements, bug and security fixes.
For a full list of changes, please review the changelog.