EthosCE 7.47 Released

EthosCE 7.47 Release Notes

Sites will be updated per the release schedule. For a full list of changes, please review the changelog.

CadCon Peak 2021 EthosCE product roadmap presentation
For those of you who were not able to attend CadCon Peak 2021, the EthosCE product roadmap update presentation is now available! EthosCE’s technical product manager, Scott Kuchinski, shares a general overview of the upcoming features the EthosCE product team will be working on for the remainder of 2021 and into 2022.

Support for ABS & ABA
In addition to the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), EthosCE now supports credit reporting options for the American Board of Surgery (ABS), and the American Board of Anesthesiology(ABA) via the ACCME web service.

For all boards, the EthosCE credit reporter sends records to ACCME, which is then sent and processed externally by the independent board. After processing, the board sends an update to ACCME as to whether the record was accepted or rejected. EthosCE periodically checks with ACCME for this updated status, displayed in the global “Reported credit” report.

EthosCE single sign-on support for board values
EthosCE now supports the addition of populating learner board values when using the EthosCE single sign-on(SSO) service. Identity providers with SAML support can now send board values for learners logging into EthosCE. To send profile board data over SSO, the identity provider must send the values over in the MedBiquitous Healthcare Professional Profile Schema supported by ACCME.

Improved duration-based course object completion user experience
Typically, an activity including a Warpwire video course object, or a Zoom meeting/webinar course object, will require the learner to watch the embedded content for a specified duration in minutes or a percentage of time. Previously, when a learner did not complete the required specified duration value, the learner received no notification of their incomplete viewing requirement and were unable to advance to the next course object. This user experience update provides a helpful warning message when the required duration value has not yet been fulfilled.


Sort sessions by date on the Regularly Scheduled Series landing page
EthosCE now offers the ability to sort sessions by date when visiting the RSS landing page. For more information about our Regularly Scheduled Series add-on, please check out our user guide.

Bug fixes and other improvements
EthosCE 7.47 also includes various other improvements, bug and security fixes.

For a full list of changes, please review the changelog.

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