EthosCE Analytics Assessment Data

This week we exposed new data in EthosCE Analytics. Quiz question responses are now available in our data warehouse!

For all EthosCE sites, there is a new dashboard, “Quiz question responses by category.” This dashboard displays the percentage of correct responses by question category. It may be useful for needs assessments or discovering gaps in knowledge. Here is an example of this dashboard:

The categories here have been masked to protect the confidentiality of this data.

For customers with self-service, there is a new data group, “Quiz questions and responses.” This includes:

  • Questions and question metadata such as category, author, type.
  • Responses, including the options selected by the learner, correctness, doubtful, skipped, points awarded and count of responses.
  • Quizzes containing the responses, including title, author, ID.

We look forward to learning how this data will be used and hearing your feedback.

For more information on EthosCE Analytics self-service, please watch our webinar available online.

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