Questions about Your Data & EthosCE Self-Service Analytics

Hi everyone,

I’m going to do a presentation on the EthosCE Analytics self-service feature at the user group meeting. I’d love to hear what kinds of question you would like your data to answer. For example, what day of the week is the best for marketing to Nurse Practitioners. Or, which specialty is the most successful at completing courses?

Let me know if you have questions about your data and I’ll try to include them in the presentation if possible.


New Ethos data analyst here. This webinar is great! I hope more people working with reporting or data see this and explore the Ethos data world.
If anyone knows an Ethos reporting or data learning group or community, please let me know. I would like to join the party and contribute to it.
I am also open to any direct connection to discuss how to play with Ethos data analytics, report generation, and data visualization.

Hi Allen, nice to “meet” you. Could this be a future topic at one of the next group meetings? Also, if a separate spin-off group was created on this topic - I would also want to join that party.

Happy Friday all!

Hi there! This would be a great future user-led discussion topic. Feel free to submit your idea to this form!
Cheers and happy Friday!

Hi Jennifer, sorry for the late reply. Yeah definitely, I’ve filled the form Valerie commented. Also, I am open to scheduled 20 mins one-on-one chat to learn from each other, like what each other is doing right now, what the difficulties we are facing, or what the resources are.

Thank you for helping us, the Ethos data community to facilitate this. I’ve filled out the form, hope we have a chance to discuss the topics.