Improvements to webform data in EthosCE Analytics

Hi all,

Over the last two releases, we’ve been working on improvements to webform data in EthosCE Analytics. Customers in our cloud environment are encouraged to review those improvements and provide feedback!

To do so, go to your EthosCE Analytics page:

  1. Click the admin wrench
  2. Click “EthosCE admin”
  3. Click “EthosCE Analytics”
  4. Scroll down to “Public EthosCE Analytics”

Start by clicking “Webform component list.” This is a list of all the components (questions) across all your webforms.

Once the report loads, you should see something like this:

You can filter questions by course(s), question text and other fields.

At the end of each question are three dots. If you click on the three dots, it will take you to a report dashboard for that question type. For example:

Clicking on “View grid question dashboard filtered by parent question text” will display a report similar to this:

For a select type question you would see a report similar to:

This data is aggregated across all your courses! You can use the filters on each dashboard to narrow the data set to a group of courses, data range or other criteria.

If you wanted to see all webform data across one or more courses, go to the EthosCE Analytics webform dashboard.

  1. Click the admin wrench
  2. Click “EthosCE admin”
  3. Click “EthosCE Analytics”
  4. Scroll down to “Public EthosCE Analytics”
  5. Click “Webform dashboard”
  6. Click “Filters”
  7. Enter one or more course title. You can do a partial match, use a parent course or any of the available filters.
  8. Click “Run”

You’ll see a dashboard similar to the following. In this case there are multiple courses’ webforms aggregated on a single page

If these reports don’t fit your needs, ask us about building a custom report or our self-service option. With self-service EthosCE Analytics, we’ll give you access to create your own reports and provide a comprehensive training session. You could create a program summary dashboard specifically designed for executive or grantors.

Or you could use the EthosCE Analytics data triggers to automatically generate email alerts when a learner reports a finding of commercial bias. Or email a custom enrollment dashboard to course directors every week.

Want to learn more? Post here or open a support ticket to schedule a call!


Is there a way to download a list of user names and emails based on the webform dashboard responses

e.g., a question with “yes” responses and a count of “50” – can I download a list of the 50 users and emails who said “yes”

thanks, Patti

Hi Patricia,

The webform dashboards described here are designed to aggregate data, so they are not linked to user accounts.

However that feature request sounds useful. I’ll add it to our product backlog for review.

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