Updating a SCORM file

Previously, there was another user who would update the SCORM packages in various courses as needed. That has now fallen to me, and I want to make sure I am doing the correct thing.

I am being provided with new SCORM files for an existing course. Do I simply upload the new SCORM files and they will replace any entries with the same name, or do I need to delete the old ones before/after?

I couldn’t find an answer to this in the documentation, just the entry on adding new ones.



Hi John,
It depends on several factors, including number of registered users, the course length, the amount of change in the course.

SCORM files track user progress and completion and bookmark the last page the user viewed. If you upload a new SCORM file, your user may lose their answers and/or bookmarks. If the course is short, this may not be a big deal.

At a minimum, you want to warn registered, but incomplete users that this could happen.

If there’s a lot of change to the SCORM file, or if it’s long or has a lot of interactions/questions to answer, then you may want to create a new course. New registrations go to the new course, and you ask existing users to finish up by a certain date.

Hope that makes sense.

Jennifer De Vries
BlueStreak Learning

Thanks Jennifer, I appreciate the response. This is all good to know!

As far as actually updating the SCORMs, do the old ones need to be deleted and then the new ones installed, or will adding them cause the new ones to take the place of the old ones?



In most LMSs, the old SCORM files get archived and the new ones take their place.